Picture of First Dover Police Headquarters - early 1900's


1909 Sanborn Map showing first location of Dover Police Dept. 


Around 1900s Dover Police posing next to Mollers Opera House (now Goodale Pharmacy) 


1920's Dover Policeman on bike in front of Hagan & Riley Butcher Shop located on Bergen Street in Furniture House along the river. 


1920s Photo


1922 - Picture of Municipal Building 


1925 Town of Dover Directory listing members of the Dover Police Department from Chief Counterman to then Patrolmen Valley.


1926 Dover Police Photo


Dover Police 1930 posing in front of former Dover High School


Picture of Officer Thomas E. DeShazo - first officer killed in the line of duty May 24, 1930. 


Dover PD inspection around 1940 on North Sussex Street in front of old Firehouse.


Reported to be a Dover Police 1946 Ford sedan & Harold Ericson 


A 1948 Dover Police Chevy Patrol car 


Dover Junior Police Officers


Dover Special Officer Police badge from late 1800 early 1900s


Arrest of escaped convict James Nannery by Patrolman Charles Ripley on April 26, 1931.

Ripley receives award from Dover Police Chief Counterman


March 1951 - William Nickle (16yrs old) murders family members in corner house on Academy St & Williams St. 


Bing Riley crossing students (Relative of former Dover Police LT. Rich Riley)


June 27, 1957 - Dover Patrolman John Mericle 


1957 - William Dabbs & Anthony Mackron 



Parking Enforcement Superintendent Teddy Thompson fixing parking meters 1976

Danny Rotundo


Hank Gaffney


Charles Schebendach Sr. (January 1967) house at the corner of Williams & South Street.


1977 Inspection With Mayor Newman and Police Chief Buchanan (2 stars)


Brian Kelly and Michael "Mickey" Thiel


Historic accounts from books located in the Dover and other Public Libraries