Deductions and Exemptions

If you are a Senior Citizen, Veteran and/or Disabled Person, you may be eligible for a deduction from your property taxes. If you are a totally Disabled Veteran, you may be eligible for tax exemption from property taxes.
Please select the Links from the navigation menu below for downloadable forms related to exemptions & deductions.
Property Tax Deduction for Senior Citizens, Disabled Persons or Surviving Spouses - Two forms to complete
Senior, Disabled, Surviving Spouse deduction application and Click here to download the Senior Income Statement Form PTD-SI
This $250.00 deduction is made available to Senior Citizens 65 or over, or their Surviving Spouse 55 or over.
TO QUALIFY, Seniors must be citizens of New Jersey and owners of the property they are applying the deduction for as of October 1st of the previous year. The property must also be their primary residence. The Surviving spouse can apply for the deduction of they are 55 or over at the time of the senior's death. This deduction is also available to those persons deemed totally disabled. The requirements are the same as for Senior Citizens except that there is no age requirement. A letter from the Social Security Administration indicating Permanent and Total Disability is required as proof. Both forms listed above must be completed to be submitted.
Must be filed with the municipal tax assessor.
Property Tax Deduction for Veterans or Surviving Spouses
Veteran or Surviving Spouse deduction application
Property Tax Deduction Claim by Veteran or Surviving Spouse/Surviving Civil Union Partner/Surviving Domestic Partner of Veteran or Serviceperson. The deduction is $250.
TO QUALIFY, you must be an honorably discharged US Armed Forces war veteran, or the unmarried surviving spouse of such a war veteran or the surviving spouse of a serviceperson who served in time of war and died while on active duty. You must be a property owner and a legal resident of New Jersey and, where applicable, prove that the deceased veteran or serviceperson was a legal resident of New Jersey. Eligibility criteria must be met as of October 1 of the year prior to the tax year for which deduction is claimed.
Must be filed with the municipal tax assessor.
Property Tax Exemption for 100% Disabled Veterans or Surviving Spouses
Veteran or Surviving Spouse exemption application
TO QUALIFY, you must have proof of active service and your characterization at the time of your discharge from the military to approve your claim for a Veteran Exemption. The easiest way to verify your military service is to send us a copy of your DD Form 214, Member 4 copy. The Member 4 copy contains all the information we need to grant your exemption. If you do not have a member 4 copy of your DD Form 214, we will accept DD Form 214 Member 1 copy, as long as it contains your character of discharge as “honorable discharge” or “under honorable conditions.” If the member 1 copy does not indicate the character of discharge, you must send a copy of DD Form 256 in addition to DD Form 214. DD Form 214 Information.
You must be the owner and a permanent resident in the dwelling and legal resident of New Jersey. In the case of surviving spouses, the deceased spouse must also have been a legal resident of New Jersey. Eligibility criteria must be met as of October 1 of the year prior to the tax year for which deduction is claimed.
Must be filed with the Municipal Tax Assessor
Please contact the Tax Assessor's office should you need more information.