OPRA: The Town of Dover accepts OPRA requests via U.S. Mail, In Person and Electronically (Fax and Online submission).  To file an OPRA request electronically, requests can be submitted through the Town’s Website found here: Service Request Form - Town of Dover. If you should have any problems, difficulties or have a disability that requires an accommodation to submit your request electronically, please feel free to contact the Municipal Clerks Office by phone at 973-366-2200 x 1128 or you may send an email to the Municipal Clerk tpettoni@dover.nj.us if you require assistance. You may also fax requests ATTN: Tara M. Pettoni, Municipal Clerk at 973-328-6524.  


The Open Public Records Act provides procedures for the public (the "requestor") to review or copy government records. How do I request information? Please refer to: 

Government Records Council (GRC) | Citizen's Guide to OPRA (nj.gov)


OPRA Government Records Request Form (Click Here)

OPRA Government Records ONLINE submission (Click Here)