Tax Exempt Organizations

GENERAL ELIGIBILITY: Real property tax exemption is determined by: 1. the organization’s purpose 2. the property’s use as of October 1 of the pretax year 3. the absence, presence, degree and use of profits 4. the property’s ownership as of October 1 of the pretax year 5. incorporation of the organization or its authorization to operate in New Jersey 6. land area or existing buildings 7. timely application as of November 1 of the pretax year
IMPORTANT File this claim in duplicate with municipal assessor of taxing district where property is located by November 1 of the pretax year. Separate claims must be filed for each parcel. Every third year as of November 1 a Further Statement updating the organization’s status must be filed with the assessor. See instructions.
DOCUMENTARY PROOFS: N.J.S.A.54:4-4.4 provides, Each assessor may at any time inquire into a claimant’s right to continue an exemption and for that purpose he may require the submission of such documentation as he considers necessary to determine the claimant’s continuing right to exemption. Claimants may be asked to provide: proof of income via audited financial statements, tax return copies; proof of ownership via deed; proof of use via lease/rental agreements, itinerary/calendar of events & organization’s promotional literature; proof of organization’s purpose via certificate of incorporation, articles of association, charter or mission statement, and constitution and by-laws. Burden of proof is on exemption claimant; it is not the responsibility of the assessor to seek out claimant or to bring claimant into exemption compliance.
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Once an organization is granted tax-exempt status as required under the initial statement filed with the Assessor a further statement must be completed every third year to determine whether there has been any substantial changes that can effect the tax-exempt status for property tax purposes. Failure to return the completed "Further Statement" to the Assessor by the November 1st due date will result in the property become taxable as of January 1st of the new tax year.
DOCUMENTARY PROOFS: N.J.S.A.54:4-4.4 provides, Each assessor may at any time inquire into a claimant’s right to continue an exemption and for that purpose he may require the submission of such documentation as he considers necessary to determine the claimant’s continuing right to exemption. Claimants may be asked to provide: proof of income via audited financial statements, tax return copies; proof of ownership via deed; proof of use via lease/rental agreements, itinerary/calendar of events & organization’s promotional literature; proof of organization’s purpose via certificate of incorporation, articles of association, charter or mission statement, and constitution and by-laws. Burden of proof is on exemption claimant; it is not the responsibility of the assessor to seek out claimant or to bring claimant into exemption compliance.
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