Yard Waste Collection

The Street Department is responsible for picking up yard waste that is properly bundled and placed curbside, according to the schedule, from April through December. 

The Town of Dover is divided into three (3) “Sections” for purposes of grass, leaves, and solid waste pick-up.  For your pick-up schedule, locate your street on the table to determine the “Section” you are in and refer to the schedule for pick-up dates. To find your section #, click on the link below to view the Section guide.

  • Grass and Leaves can be placed curbside in either a re-usable container that is marked “GRASS/LEAVES” (30 gal. max) or biodegradable bags that are available for purchase at the Department of Public Works (DPW) Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 3:30pm.  The cost for a package of 10 bags is $4.00.  
  • Garden Trimmings consist of vegetation, twigs, brush trimmings, small branches and small plants and must be placed in a re-usable container (30 gal. max.)
  • Brush (Branches) can be placed curbside and shall be no larger than 4” diameter and 6’ long, Brush must be tied in bundles and stacked neatly at the curb.
  • Christmas Trees are collected curbside from January 2nd to January 26th this year.  Do not place trees in plastic bags and remove tree stands.

Yard Waste collection is curbside pick-up only.  Due to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulations, the Town compost facility can no longer accept any type of vegetation at the Recycling Center by residents. 

Curbside Leaf Vacuum - takes place in all Sections on a weekly basis from mid-October to mid-December.  Leaves should be raked to the curb with leaves being placed no closer than 10 feet to any storm drain inlet.

If you have any questions regarding yard waste pick-up, you may call the Department of Public Works at 973-366-2200 x3129. Be sure to leave your name, address and phone number with your brief message to ensure a prompt response.

2025 Hazardous Waste