Dover's Municipal Stormwater Regulation Program
As a result of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's rules, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has developed the "Municipal Stormwater Regulation Program." This program addresses pollutants entering our waters from certain storm drainage systems.
It is widely understood that stormwater sources are the largest remaining major source of pollutants in our waters. It is estimated that up to 60 percent of our existing water pollution problems are attributable to stormwater pollution. The quality of our surface and ground waters is directly related to the health of our ecosystems and the quality of our lives.
Many times people do not know or understand that there are alternatives. For example, homeowners can have a green lawn without massive doses of fertilizers and pesticides. Pet owners should deposit pet waste in the trash or in the toilet and not leave it at the curb.
Often there is a lack of public awareness that storm drains often discharge directly to water bodies. When people allow motor oil, trash, and their pet's waste to enter the storm sewer in the street, they don't realize that it may end up in the river down the block or many miles away.
Individually these acts may seem insignificant, but the cumulative impact of these activities contribute to stormwater pollution and reduce water quality. As a resident, business or other member of the Dover community, it is important to know that you can protect our water.
For easy things you can do every day to protect our water, please click "Solutions to Stormwater Pollution," to view a guide offering healthy habits for cleaner water and helpful information about pollution prevention.
For more information, please visit these web sites: